Masha’s Story – The Reaction Continues

Disney World Girl Disney World Girl, earlier known as Internet Girl or Internet Porn Girl, is the term originally used for a young girl named Masha who appeared in over 200 sexually explicit images, usually under the name "vicky," that circulated for several years among pedophiles on the Internet. Police feared she was still being abused in the manner depicted. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - read the full post here . . . From Marly Greiner's EXCELLENT blog: It's All About Me! A PAP Response to Masha Masha Update Masha Testifies Before Congress: ...

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Masha’s Story Reaction

MASHA SPEAKS--THE ADOPTION INDUSTRY BUNKERS IN: "DISNEY WORLD GIRL" AND THE SHAME OF COMPLICITY Holy Who's Your Daddy! Should we be surprised that the National Council for Adoption--or at least its member agencies and adoptocrat friends in high places--have spearheaded a campaign to censor the scheduled December 1 ABC Primetime feature on the Russian adoptee known as "Disney World Girl" who was grossly sexually abused by her "forever father"? From The Daily Bastardette - read the full post here . . .

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Masha’s Story

Tomorrow night an extraordinary and unprecedented story will air on ABC Primetime about my client, a Russian orphan girl who was adopted by an American pedophile. When millionaire Matthew A. Mancuso adopted five year old Masha from a Russian orphanage, she had already lived a tragic life. Stabbed by her drunken mother at age three, Masha hoped for a better life in the United States. Instead she was sent to live near Pittsburgh with a pedophile who had a long history of abusing young girls. During the next five years, Mancuso sexually assaulted Masha almost daily while ...

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